As a part of European Regional Development Fund project “Research on the biology of ageing and age-related diseases” funded through EU’s Operational program Competitiveness and cohesion, 2 workshops on the topic “Gender equality and non-discrimination” were held on Mediterranean Institute for life science.

Workshops were held on November 23rd and November 24th 2021 and were organized in cooperation with “Cedra”- the Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development from Split, while members of NGO “Domine, also from Split, held the lecture. The main goals of workshops were raising awareness of Medils employees about gender roles and gender equality, recognizing situations where gender-based discrimination can happen, as well as on methods of introducing gender equality and avoiding discrimination in professional life.

The topic of the first workshop was gender equality. Lecturers presented to participants the terms of gender roles and gender stereotypes in everyday's life and importance of achieving gender equality in modern society. The participants of workshop were also informed about existing legal framework in Croatia, institutions and public bodies responsible for this matter, including short overview of gender policies in European Union.