Following the previous workshop with energy efficiency as topic, on December 20th 2021, the Mediterranean institute for life sciences employees took part in second workshop, which was also presented by “Sunce” association from Split and was organized as a part of “Research on the biology of ageing and age-related diseases” project, funded through EU’s Operational program competitiveness and cohesion.

The subject of second workshop was improvement of employee’s habits within the MedILS.

The objective to reduce resources consumption and to introduce their reutilization practices, along with recycling, was particularly stressed out. Since every Institute’s employee has its own carbon footprint, it is possible to reduce it by simple change and improvement of habits. Furthermore, these changes can represent an additional benefit in increasing the Institute’s overall energy efficiency. As a part of this workshop, employees of MedILS filed a questionnaire related to their everyday working routines to determine their compliance with the workshop's objectives. Finally, a practical exercise for all participants consisting of their ideas on how to change their own habits in this field in order to fulfill the goals anticipated by “Research on the biology of ageing and age-related diseases” project took place at the end of workshop.